September is definitely one of my favorite months, it’s in the name! As most of you know, I try to do something extra special during this time. This year I decided to have a photoshoot in honor one of one of my biggest inspirations, CHER! I set out to recreate my absolute favorite photos of her. I want to give a very special thank you to Melissa Hernandez for dolling me up and to Augustus Photography for his magic behind the camera. Together we made my vision come true. It’s all for love in the end!
A little back story…
I can remember it like it was yesterday. It was the summer of 2003, I was 13 years old standing in the music section at the local K-Mart in Galveston, Texas. My grandmother told me that I could choose any CD in the store. Naturally, I walked right past the obvious choices for a teenager and gravitated toward the shiny display entitled, “Cher Live: The Farewell Tour.” I must have played that CD over and over for years; nothing’s changed.
I absolutely adore Cher! Her career continues to be incredible and I’ve always admired her for her fearlessness and the fact that she has stayed true to her heart and her artistry. She has paved the way for tons of artists in this industry and is a living Legend! She has a Grammy, an Emmy, a Golden Globe & an Oscar under her belt; anyone would would be lucky to just be nominated! For all of these reasons and so many more, “I want to be Cher when I grow up!” – Amanda September, then & now
She is the dream!
A message to Cher…
Thank you for all that you are. You have inspired me in more ways than I’ll ever fully be able to express. You are true Magic! Ps. If you ever need anyone to play you in a movie one day…. I’m your girl! 😉 Xo
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